Our Lady Academy is an all-girls college preparatory junior/senior high school which teaches Catholic Christian doctrine, morals, and values; promotes academic excellence; encourages the students to give service to others; and challenges them to achieve their God-given potential as young ladies in the local and world communities.
Vision Statements
To provide a school community in which each member can easily become cognizant of her value and dignity as a child of God.
To help the individual student develop a mature sense of personal worth and self-confidence by encouraging her to see herself realistically and to develop her own potential.
To foster a climate that will enable each member of the school community to develop a deep personal relationship with her God.
To provide a firm foundation in the basics of the Catholic faith through the Religious Studies Program.
To provide instruction in religious truths and values by integrating Christian principles into all subject areas.
To encourage the growth of a faith community through meaningful student-teacher relationships and by providing mutual support among faculty members.
To form strong Catholic values through the celebration of liturgies, prayer services and other prayer forms.
To inculcate Christian values that will develop a social conscience.
To provide a broad college-preparatory curriculum that meets the interests, needs, and abilities of students.
To provide for the attainment of basic knowledge by offering a curriculum which addresses the development of proficiency in the skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening, calculating, problem solving, and critical thinking.
To develop attitudes of good health and to promote physical fitness through team sports and intramural athletic events.
To evaluate the curriculum annually and make necessary adjustments.
To provide a variety of co-curricular activities that will meet the interests, needs, and abilities of the student.
To provide the student with the opportunities to internalize such qualities as leadership, cooperation, sportsmanship, perseverance, and integrity.
To encourage the development of self-responsibility, self-discipline, and self-motivation through respect for herself and for the rights of others.
To provide a guidance program to allow the student the opportunity to become knowledgeable about post-secondary occupational offerings.
To encourage the faculty to keep abreast of new methods and innovations in the field of educational research.