Oct. 20 (after 10:30am Mass) - OLG’s Annual Picnic with Gumbo Cookoff And Best Dessert Contest. This is a wonderful event for the entire family! Lots of Food, Fun and Fellowship!!
RCIA Starts Wednesday, August 16th, 6 pm in the Community Center. Please think of who you can invite and give the gift of our Faith to. Please call the office with any questions 467-6509.
CCD resumes September 10th. Registration is available on the OLG website or forms can be found at the entrances to be completed and returned to the office. If you have any questions, please contact Tammie LeSage at (228) 596-1293 click for online registration form https://olgchurch.net/ccd-registration
NOVENA TO RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT The novena (nine days of prayer) in anticipation of the first Christian Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit on Apostles and Mary, is the oldest of all novenas and was made at the direction of our Lord Himself. It began when He sent His apostles back to Jerusalem to pray and await the coming of the Holy Spirit. Those “days of prayer” at the direction of Jesus are the model and inspiration for this novena.