PURPOSE: The music ministry at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church is devoted to the true purpose of music in the Sacred Liturgy. As stated in Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, "Sacred music is for the glory of God and the sanctification and edification of the faithful" (Sacrosanctum Concilium 26). It is our hope that the music we sing and play will be one small part of the beauty and solemnity of the Sacred Liturgy at Our Lady of the Gulf, and will help to draw all our hearts and minds closer to the mind of God.
JOIN US!: If you enjoy singing and would like to get involved in the music ministry at our church, join us! There is no audition required--just send Alysia Ladner an email at [email protected].
The choir of Our Lady of the Gulf sings for the 10:30 am Mass on Sundays. During the school year, we rehearse on Wednesday nights from 6-7:30 pm. The choir sings a variety of songs from our great treasury of Catholic music, from traditional hymns to polyphony to ancient chant.
Our Music Director and Organist, Alysia and Monica Ladner, sing on Sunday for the 8 am Mass, and the 12:30 pm Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form Mass). Each week the Latin Mass alternates between a low Mass and a Missa Cantata (also known as a Sung Mass or High Mass). The 5pm Mass on Sunday evening is led by Shea Ladner and features praise and worship music.